Avec le crépuscule arrivant plus tôt et la majorité des restaurants fermés le lundi soir, les deux derniers mois de l’année peuvent être déprimants. Heureusement, Simple Bistro vient de décider de rester ouvert les lundis soirs – quelle aubaine !
After all these years in this very interesting and challenging profession, I thought it was time to share the horror stories, the near misses and the tips for all those requiring translations from English to French. Some of this may apply to other languages as well. Je précise pour mes lecteurs francophones que je compte rédiger mes messages dans les deux langues officielles du Canada, l'anglais et le français.
Monday, November 09, 2009
It’s open on Mondays! Ils sont ouverts le lundi!
Avec le crépuscule arrivant plus tôt et la majorité des restaurants fermés le lundi soir, les deux derniers mois de l’année peuvent être déprimants. Heureusement, Simple Bistro vient de décider de rester ouvert les lundis soirs – quelle aubaine !
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wrong définition - Définition érronée
A recent example was an automotive ½ page ad purporting to extol the merits of one brand of car versus another. The text said:
"By Definition, An Accord is A Compromise"
Upon reading this heading , my immediate reaction was to ascertain that the word accord had indeed this meaning. Here is what I found:
From the WordWeb:
1. Harmony of people’s opinion or actions or characters
2. Concurrenc of opinion
3. A written agreement between two states or sovereigns
4. Sympathetic compatibility
5. proper relationship or proportion; harmony.
6. a harmonious union of sounds, colors, etc.
7. consent or concurrence of opinions or wills; agreement.
8. an international agreement; settlement of questions outstanding among nations.
Main Entry: 2accord
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French acord, from acorder
Date: 14th century
1 a : agreement, conformity
2 : balanced interrelationship : harmony
3 obsolete : assent
4 : voluntary or spontaneous impulse to act
1. harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters; "the two parties were in agreement"
(synonym) agreement
(hypernym) harmony, concord, concordance
(hyponym) community, community of interests
2. concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal"
(synonym) conformity, accordance
(hypernym) agreement
3. a written agreement between two states or sovereigns
(synonym) treaty, pact
(hypernym) written agreement
(hyponym) alliance
4. sympathetic compatibility
(synonym) rapport
(hypernym) compatibility
The Wordnetweb from Princeton University gives:
• agreement: harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters; "the two parties were in agreement"
• concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal"
• harmonize: go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"
• treaty: a written agreement between two states or sovereigns
• allow to have; "grant a privilege"
• sympathetic compatibility
In Answers.com :
1. Agreement; harmony: act in accord with university policies.
2. A settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions.
3. A settlement of points at issue between nations.
4. Spontaneous or voluntary desire to take a certain action: The children returned on their own accord. He confessed of his own accord.
This appears to be the source of the meaning that the advertiser used in the ad.
On the French side, where the word Accord exists as well, we find:
1. État resultant d’une manière commune de sentir, de penser, d’agir, entre plusieurs personnes.
2. État résultat de la convenance qui existe entre plusieurs choses.
Dictionnaire Myriade – ProLexis.
Encyclopédie Linternaute :
accord, nom masculin
Sens 1 Entente entre personnes résultant de leur conformité de sentiments. Synonyme accommodement Anglais agreement
Sens 2 Acceptation, permission. Ex Le supérieur a donné son accord. Synonyme acceptation Anglais consent
Sens 3 Convention, arrangement formalisé entre personnes ou entités. Ex Un accord économique. Synonyme pacte Anglais agreement
Sens 4 Harmonie, concordance entre des choses. Synonyme adéquation Anglais agreement
Interestingly enough, this last source provides an English equivalent – agreement.
We appear to be very far from the word compromise. What do you think?
By the way, is criticizing your opponent the best way to emphasize your product?
Dénigrer le produit du concurrent ne donne pas nécessairement un avantage.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Semantic shift - Glissement sémantique
The written press in Quebec has covered the worrysome problems of school drop-outs and what society can do about this. Articles speak of the phenomenon of “décrochage”. The verb “décrocher” is used to express the idea of disengagement, of breaking off the action (like studies for example). In the physical world, décorcher may be used when meaning to take down (décrocher les rideaux, uncoupling (a car train). In the telecommunication parlance, décrochage means to switchover. In the financial world, le décorchage du franc par rapport au mark means the unpegging of the Franc from the Mark.
Dernièrement, j’ai remarqué dans plusieurs articles sur les abandons scolaires au Québec que les journalistes parlent des efforts d’encourager les jeunes à retourner à l’école, à reprendre leurs études. C’est là qu’apparaît le terme « raccrochage », utilisé comme antonyme (contraire) de décrochage. Ce qui est, dans mon esprit, un choix surprenant.
Is the use of raccrochage brought about by the influence of the English language? The closest English word for décrochage is “disconnect”, whereas raccrochage is reconnect. So in the context of drop-outs, instead of the idea of abandoning, or letting go (in French), the English uses the idea of leaving the scene.
The problem with raccrocher is that its usual meanings are to hang up (the phone), to retire (as from a sport), to put down (the telephone receiver), or to solicit or accost a customer (by a prostitute). It also means to reconnect or tie together (train cars, facts) or to rescue – a business deal, for example). Not an iota of an idea of resuming one’s studies in school.
The problem that I see with this situation is that if French-speaking Quebeckers continue to use raccrocher to mean resume studies, they will completely confuse the situation and the verbs accrocher, décrocher and raccrocher would have taken meanings which they did not originally have.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Head Light – Lumière à tête (??)

On side A - the generic name of the product 1 Watt LED Head Light was transformed in a Light with a head. In addition, LED does have a French equivalent = DEL (diode électroluminescente).
Dans le sous-titre on trouve Bande de tête élastique ajustable – que doivent donc faire les gens qui ont la tête dure? Le fait que l’appareil est hydrofuge ne semble pas avoir mérité une traduction. La note sur la longueur du fonctionnement est de syntaxe anglaise.
On side B, adjectives qualifying nouns do not have proper endings.
Ampoules lumineuse (s?)
Ampoules blanche(s) several bulbs but the adjective is in singular form.
Bouton de pression control 4 modes de lumière – could not translate this word? - No problem, just leave it in English, customers will understand!
Flashing signal (press ON button for 2 sec) - Signal clignotant (appuyez SUR bouton pour 2 sec.)
There is no button with the marking SUR on the device– it is the on/off button! French could have said “appuyez sur l’interrupteur pendant 2 sec”.
A French-speaking customer who absolutely needs the light will buy it, but someone undecided will definitely be put off by the mistakes and the sloppy rendering. Who will be blamed – the importer, China?
World Famous Sales (Concord, Ont). who is looking after your packaging translations?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
At the beginning of July, the Internet connection started to act up – sporadic misconnects, lost emails. I called Technical Service and upon having explained all our trouble-shooting steps we had taken, was told that the matter had to do with a DNS – people felt frustrated but could not help.
Au milieu du mois, la situation s’est empirée. Le nombre sites Internet captés se réduit à trois ou quatre, et le courriel ne marche que sporadiquement. On nous envoie un technicien qui nous apprend que notre modem (de Bell) n’est plus capable de transmettre la masse de données que les câbles lui envoient mais également qu’il y a un problème de câble dans la rue.
A few days later, visit from the Bell Cable person who performs a small cable splice on the front lawn but who also tells us that the problem is inside, not in the cable. Third technician, who attempts to install a brand-new modem-router, discovers that it is defective. Bell sends us a second modem-router which their own Testing facility finds to be defective. Third router arrives and after days of fighting with it, we finally make it work. It appears as though not sufficient installation info was provided by Bell but we were able to find similar info from the manufacturer, 2-Wire.
Our internet connection is now ok again and Bell is reimbursing us for over a month of lost use. L’Internet est plein de forums qui discutent des difficultés rencontrées par les utilisateurs de cet appareil – donc nous ne sommes par les premiers. Nous nous considérons chanceux, au moins, la liaison est rétablie.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
When to charge, when to not/Facturer ou ne pas facturer
Was able to observe and learn about a new process during a recent industry show – had a pleasant chat with the exhibitors and left them my card. Lo and behold, a few days later received a request to quote on the translation of their website. I was even provided some French text which they said would help me in the work.
I had a good look at the site and evaluated the length and complexity of the material. I then proceeded to look at the French material supplied to discover that it was a very well done translation of the English, done by the author.
Intrigué, j’ai decidé de comparer les deux textes ligne par ligne pour me rendre compte que c’était là bel et bien une traduction fidèle de l’anglais. Pourquoi me demandait-on de traduire ce qui était déjà fait? Intrigué, j’appelle le client et lui pose la question. Il me répond : « je suis ingénieur et non pas traducteur et je voulais m’assurer que tout était bien fait. »
The author told me that we was not comfortable with his translation and needed a certified translator’s blessing that everything was ok. I explained what I had done and confirmed, that from my vantage, no redo was necessary and that I would gladly confirm this in writing. I had performed a revision and would bill him for that instead of giving him back his translation with my comments and charging him for the actual translation.
He sounded amazed. As for me, a feeling of peace and happiness filled my heart for having helped a client and saved him money at the same time. Has this sort of thing happened to you?
Dépanner un collègue est gratifiant, surtout si on peut lui éviter du travail et des frais supplémentaires. Vous-est-il arrivé quelque chose de semblable?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Exposition-ese in French and in English/Texte en franglais d’une exposition
« De la même manière, on remarquera sur le XXX Montréal que les promesses Santé sont plus mesurées. Des discours empreints de naturalité où le végétal, qu’il soit légume ou fruit, a une place de choix. Les promesses très techniques et complexes ont presque disparu, ce qui, de fait, apporte à ces produits des valeurs de plaisir ou de praticité qui leur faisait parfois défaut. »
Here is the English version along with my corrections & suggestions in italics. It is one thing to use English words, English syntax has to be used as well. The wording is sometimes stilted and sounds more like a treatise than an advertising text.
“In that spirit, XXX Montréal’s Health promises are (more gauged) scaled back. Approaches (boasting naturality) emphasizing natural plants, vegetables as much as fruits, are the center of attention. Very technical and complex promises have been (evacuated) almost disappeared, which thus (confers) gives to these products (values of) pleasure and practicality values that where sometimes lacking.”
What do you think? Commentaires?
Unhappy translation customer – Client mécontent d’une traduction
A fellow visitor to a recent business exhibit shared with me her disappointment and bewilderment when an established client complained about the quality of a translation that had been done by a freelancer the visitor’s company had hired.
Un collègue visiteur d’une récente exposition industrielle partagea avec moi ses déboires avec le travail fait par un pigiste que son entreprise avait engagé. Alors que le même client avait été satisfait du travail fait auparavant (par le même pigiste), il trouva cette fois-ci le travail inacceptable. Il fit donc appel à un autre traducteur pour lui fournir une autre opinion, ce qu’il fit et trouva la traduction acceptable.
The translation target was the Quebec market and the client requiring the translation was from France. The visitor explained that they had worked with this client for a number of years and had used the same freelancer but for some reason, the translation provided this time was not acceptable. A third party was asked to supply a third opinion and found the translation appropriate.
Dealing with a member of a professional association such as ATIO (in Ontario), the problem may have been solved differently. This is the explanation that I supply to my clients so that they know exactly what recourse they have:
“Any dispute between the Certified Translator
and the Client concerning the quality of work
may be submitted to the Evaluation and
Arbitration Committee of the Association of
Translators and Interpreters of Ontario for an
objective professional evaluation. Both
parties undertake to abide by the decision of
this Committee. If the work is considered
unsatisfactory, the liability of the Certified
Translator shall not exceed the amount of
the fees requested for the work.”
J’ai pu expliquer au visiteur l’avantage que présentait l’utilisation d’un traducteur agréé. En effet, l’association prévoit, en cas de besoin, la nomination d’un groupe d’évaluation qui est en mesure d’évaluer la traduction et donner un avis catégorique sur sa qualité.
In the case of my visitor colleague, his company appeared to have reached an impasse and could not see a way of satisfying the client. Not having studied any of the details, I could only offer to my visitor my own services which would be base on my long and extensive use of quality control systems to set translation quality benchmarks and criteria.
L'entreprise de mon interlocuteur se trouva dans une impasse. La seule solution que je puis lui proposer était de lui fournit une évaluation parallèle, basée sur mon expérience et mes travaux dans le domaine du contrôle de la qualité. Au moins mes analyses seraient sujettes à un contrôle de l'ATIO, si cela était nécessaire.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Register translation horrors
The text I found was absolutely horrible. Here it is:
How much fulfill contemporary registers cost?
It depends on locality you purchase the product. You can purchase the Antique Brass for around $23 online. I would shop around, since you can compare prices and one’s thing. Whereas blooming, you can composition other registers, which may substitute of higher merit, someday at a price you can heel.
How does my floor component into the registers design?
Positive debate, you should always meditate your floors, walls, and overall style of your bathroom before purchasing floor registers. If you hold a country locality however, most of the floor registers will hardihood with your room. However, if you keep a jewel bath, or skillful bath, the gold brass is the premium choice. Misty Bronze will chore as well, providing you have an atmosphere that matches the color.
I have marked in red the words or expressions that impair understanding. In many cases, the words used are either synonyms or alternate meanings of the original word. This is obviously a machine translation that has not been proofread and corrected by a linguist. If the author paid for the translation, he got garbage. If he got it for free, then his time was wasted. Either way, in my experience, readers will not tolerate this type of writing and will just click to the next site.