Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Networking as a process/Le réseautage - une méthode

Alors que mon message précédent parlait d’une occasion de réseautage et de ses résultats positifs, je voudrais décrire ici une présentation dynamique faite par Michael J. Hughes hier soir, lors d’une réunion de l’AIC , association que j’avais mentionnée dans ces pages auparavant.

Michael, a former executive, has found a valuable niche in the independent worker movement and is able to convincingly demonstrate the various elements of networking, the importance of each one of them and various ways of optimizing the experience of networking.

The introduction or greeting we use when we meet a new person can be structured in such a way as to foster the human element of “sympathie”, of sharing, of belonging to the same world. It is only when the listener understands that you care for him/her as a person, as a fellow entrepreneur, and that have common values and aspirations, that a spark is generated which can form the basis of a lasting relationship.

Je ne prétends pas être devenu un réseauteur (néologisme?) en une soirée, mais je suis reconnaissant à l’AIC d’avoir invité Michael nous parler. Je vais, de ce pas, étudier cette approche, et compte l’inclure dans mes prochaines occasions de réseautage.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Microsoft Vista: Not 'People Ready' - Forbes.com

Microsoft Vista: Not 'People Ready' - Forbes.com

Je parlais récemment de la publicité de Microsoft dont la devise "People ready" posait des problèmes de traduction. À juger par l'article dans Forbes, le lecteur anglais pourrait également avoir des problèmes de compréhension.

I guess I was not very far off the mark when I stated that the meaning of the People Ready tag line could be interpreted in several ways. I appears as though Daniel Lyons of Forbes could not quite figure out what Microsoft meant.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Business networking/Réseautage d’affaires

A winter’s evening, -15º C and leftover snow from yesterday's storm covering Burlington. What better time than to gather in the cosy Fireside Room of the Burlington Art Centre to socialize and listen to an impactful and dynamic presentation on financial planning by Thie Convery, entitled Financial Tips for the Self-Employed.

L’Association HPCA, dont je suis membre depuis quatre ans, est composée d’indépendants oeuvrant dans le domaine de la communication : relations publiques, rédaction publicitaire et autre, traduction, graphisme, etc., organise des réunions mensuelles pour ses membres. Celle d’hier soir a été particulièrement bien réussie grace aux efforts des organisatrices Anne von Rosenbach et Judy Snyder .

It is amazing how useful networking can be, especially for self-employed professionals. Thank you to the organizers for such a productive event!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Ethical translation/Conscience professionnelle

It is always tempting, especially for a translator in private practice, to accept work outside of his field of expertise; what businessman would pass up lucrative work! I am sure that many other professionals have to deal with the same dilemma.

Some years ago, an apprentice translator (who had just started translating) after a career in another technical field, boasted to me that he was doing translation about atomic reactors (he was in aeronautics previously). I was astounded to say the least and did express my concern that he may not always understand what he translates and he said “Yes”!

The Code of Ethics of ATIO, organization that I belong to since 1971, specifically states that:

“Members shall not accept work for which they lack the necessary qualifications. In accepting work, the member provides a moral guarantee that the service provided will meet the highest standards of quality”.

For various reasons, he never became a member of the ATIO, which was a relief to me.

Do you quiz your translator about his expertise, his experience, and his track record BEFORE hiring him to do work for you?